Čovek koji je dao otkaz i prodao sve kako bi putovao sa mačkom

Čovek koji je dao otkaz i prodao sve kako bi putovao sa mačkom

Mačka Willow nije obična mačka. Ona je sa svojim vlasnikom u kamperu proputovala čak 50 000 kilometara.

Mačka Willow sa svojim vlasnikom Richom, putuje još od 2015. godine. Rich je prodao apsolutno sve ne bi li proputovao celu Australiju sa svojim ljubimcem. Proputovali su šest država, posetili predivna mesta, kampovali na vrhovima planina i raznim drugim mestima.

“Neki ljudi misle da je čudno što putujem s mačkom, ali Willov je jedna opuštena mačka koja obožava naš životni stil. Čak ima i ogrlicu za praćenje tako da sam siguran da se neće izgubiti, niti odvojiti od mene”, kaže Rich.

Ova avantura ga je usrećila na mnogo načina, kao i kada dobije pozitivne reakcije od ljudi koji prate njihovu avanturu na društvenim mrežama.

“Navikli smo se na ovaj način života i ne mislimo odustati od njega. Dokle god možemo raditi ono što nas čini srećnima, zašto bi prestali?”, kaže Rich.

“Tako sam ponosan na Willow, ona je mačka koja je učinila kamper domom, a celu Australiju našim dvorištem. Ona je najbolji saputnik na celome svetu”, zaključio je ovaj zanimljiv mladić kojeg zasigurno očekuju još mnoge zanimljive pustolovine.

Ostale slike možete pronaći na Instagram profilu Willow i Richa i pratiti njihove dalje pustolovine.

Mesta koja su obišli Willow i Rich:

In 2016 we celebrated a year on the road and I joked about how we had only made it as far as central Qld. Today, we celebrate two years and although we have put in some serious 'kilometerage' through the NT and WA completing our visit to every state, we have still not finished our 'Big Lap'. And we are fine with that. I'm often told that there is very little stopping one from achieving their goals. I will tell these people that there is also very little stopping you from going to the beach tonight with your favourite cheese and watching the sunset. With this mentality we enter our third year, a year that I have not quite mapped out yet, nor have any good reason to do so. It is that we have settled so well into this new life that any need to get from A to B is now impertinent. In previous years I would often wake up wondering where I should be, but lately I realise that I am already there. The average size of an Australian house is over 200 metres squared. Our home is just 5m2 and provides our warmth, shelter, a place to cook, and a place to sleep. A place to work, a place to sit and watch the world go by as the tides change or a storm comes in. Where we park soon becomes an extension of our home and we have been spending increasing amounts of time doing just that. There is a deep comfort I have found in knowing that everything I need is in one spot, including my companion, a little cat whose coat is so vibrant and with temperament to match. Other travellers will ask me which way I'm headed; I am often unable to tell them, to their confusion. We are not really headed anywhere in particular and some weeks calling ourselves travellers seems untrue. Maybe 'nomad' would be a better term in that our movements are seasonal as we search for climates that best suit our days. So I thank you, each of you, for sharing in our adventure and the adventure and memories yet to come – for it is not over yet – for your messages of hope and inspiration, and for just enjoying Willow's wide eyed wonder in the land we call our Australian home. And of course, thank you Willow – The little black adventure cat who has made my van into a home and the whole of Australia her backyard!

A post shared by Rich & Willow – travelling cat (@vancatmeow) on

Oh look who just woke up! 😻 lazy cat..

A post shared by Rich & Willow – travelling cat (@vancatmeow) on



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